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  1. Since then, it has been my target.’. Jirra’s work explores the complex relationship between how we see ourselves, and what society expects of us.

  2. These programs help to teach us students the importance of giving back and the joy that can be found in doing so,’ he says. ... It makes us more compassionate and benevolent, traits which are both heavily sought after in the workforce.’.

  3. This edition of the Purple Haze was a way for us to tell our stories and educate people about the challenges faced by women across different arenas in our society,’ Amy

  4. With students back on campus, Book Week was a delightful time to celebrate storytelling and literature together, as Kathryn Hand tells us. ... I would like to thank everyone who helped to arrange and organise Book Week for us,' Mira, Year 7 said.

  5. At the same time, those forces are providing us with new opportunities for human advancement.

  6. Our hair, make-up and costumes made us look incredible and the set was amazing. ... Before anyone knew it, performances were coming up. We each received our amazing costumes, which made us feel even more in character.

  7. When we open ourselves up to others who are different to us, we can learn a lot about the world.’.

  8. They establish and follow a study routine, with appropriate rewards when they complete tasks.

  9. Student reflections. ‘I really enjoyed when Adam came to our school and guided us through a forensic investigation because it helped us understand how real forensics officers can solve crimes. ... My favourite part of the incursion was when we got to

  10. The stare-at-the-textbook- absorption-method is common, and I’ve tried it, but unfortunately most of us are not blessed with photographic memories. ... It’s also crucial that you identify what motivates you. For most of us, this has to be more than
