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Celebrating diversity

Learning to live and work with people from different backgrounds and cultures is a key pillar of a Wesley education.

Wesley College welcomes students and staff from throughout Australia and beyond. Our community is multicultural, multifaith and inclusive. Through the International Baccalaureate learning framework, service learning, wellbeing programs and our coeducational environment, students value diversity and develop international mindedness by learning through local, national and global perspectives.

Observing and celebrating culturally significant and religious days is one way that we enhance a culture of respect and understanding at Wesley.

At our first community iftaar (a fast-breaking meal, one of the religious observances of Ramadan) held at the Glen Waverley Campus, Year 10 student Zahra said, ‘Today, I wanted to share my experiences as a Muslim student, and show how a supportive school environment can benefit a student of faith.’

Zahra spoke about her decision to wear her hijab to school and her request for permission. ‘Not only did I find the teachers accepting of my decision, but I could see how much they encouraged it. They were genuinely happy that I had found a love and respect for my faith and a step closer to my own sense of identity. This support and encouragement allowed me to feel more confident and secure when wearing my hijab and I had never felt that sure in myself before , that empowered.’

‘We are so fortunate to have a diverse community at Wesley College,’ said Natalie Siritzky, International Students Coordinator. ‘Everybody brings something different to the table; their own experiences and culture, their own passions and perspective. When we open ourselves up to others who are different to us, we can learn a lot about the world.’

‘We are so blessed to live and learn as part of a rich and diverse community,’ said Sabeena DeBono, Head of Junior School at St Kilda Road Campus. ‘While we celebrate diversity each and every day, it is wonderful to pause as a nation on specific days, such as Harmony Day, and reflect on the values of inclusivity that these days are centred on.’

Students enjoyed learning the moves to a Bollywood dance on Harmony Day

During Cultural Diversity Week, Bwe Thay, Deputy Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission shared insights with the Elsternwick Campus about the importance of multiculturalism, international-mindedness and perspective-taking. At the Glen Waverley Campus, students made scratch art and heard about the traditions and significance of henna tattoos; learned about Ramadan and the significance of lanterns; and listened to Lizzy Kuoth, a Sudanese refugee who challenged students to ‘go outside their comfort zone and learn about others, because that is where you grow and learn the most.’

Recognising, celebrating and embracing diversity in all its forms has become an essential piece of the everyday fabric of life at Wesley College. At Wesley, there is a place for everyone.
