It’s not buildings that make a school, it’s the community. Wesley parents and guardians are vital to the Wesley community and are diverse, welcoming and supportive.

There are many programs, events and groups that connect and support parents and guardians starting from a student’s orientation through to graduation.

New families are welcomed to the community before the first day of school. Parents, guardians and students are engaged in an extensive transition program to learn about school life, how to make the most of their time at Wesley and to meet key staff such as the Head of Campus, Head of School, pastoral care leaders and teachers.

Support and engagement

Parents and guardians access sophisticated applications and resources to connect to their child’s education experience at Wesley and to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise through their child’s growth and development.

Wesley Parents' Association

The Wesley Parents' Association is an active and dynamic part of each campus, and parents and guardians are automatically members of this lively organisation. As parent volunteers, our aim is to create a positive, inclusive, and thriving College community for students, staff and parents across all year levels. We strive to enrich the campus environment and experience for our children and for all members of the community.

A variety of activities and events are held throughout the year that provide opportunities for social interaction and fundraising for the College community. We welcome and encourage all parents to become involved. There are many ways to participate from sharing ideas, helping at the Wesley parents' second-hand uniform store, providing feedback or one-off or regular volunteering.

Year Level Representatives

Each year level has a group of parent/guardian representatives that work together to build social networks through organising events. These collaborative efforts help welcome new parents and build a strong community.


Wesley’s Learning Management System, WiSE, facilitates open and effective communication between students, teachers and parents. This interactive tool allows parents to track their child’s learning and progress, with live access to their child’s timetable, calendar, homework, assessments, grades and reports.

The platform and app feature a news feed that allows teachers to send targeted notices directly to your phone, keeping you up to date with what’s happening on campus.


The School TV digital wellbeing platform provides parents with advice for raising safe, happy and resilient young people. School TV includes videos from leading experts, fact sheets, recommended books, apps and websites, and other helpful resources.

Parent Intranet

The Parent Intranet allows parents to access college information and news, as well as undertake a wide range of self-service activities including:

  • viewing and updating personal details, class permissions and government reporting
  • viewing and updating student information, including contact details and photo permissions
  • accessing current fee balance information
  • contacting other parents within their year level and homeroom.
Second-hand Uniform Store

The Wesley parents' Second-hand Uniform Store (SHUS) is operated by the parent community, and creates a sustainable uniform cycle and helps reduce waste. Items that are of good to excellent quality can be sold and recycled, allowing parents to recoup some of the cost as well as contribute to community fundraising. SHUS is also a warm and friendly hub for building connections and community.

Our campus-based parents’ associations are:

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