The Wesley Boarding leadership team has strong pastoral care values, vast experience in boarding school environments and a commitment to the ongoing development and support of every boarder.

Tom Giles joined Wesley as the Head of Boarding, Learning in Residence in 2024. Tom is an experienced school leader and teacher. Immediately prior to joining Wesley he held roles at Anglican Church Grammar School (‘Churchie’) in Brisbane, which saw him in pastoral leadership roles of Day Housemaster of Biggs House, and later Boarding Housemaster of Gerald House. In addition to those roles, Tom has been Acting Dean of Students, Head of Year 9 and is a passionate teacher of History. He has also held roles as a teacher of Humanities and Assistant Head of Year at Brisbane Grammar School.
Tom’s focus is on the safety and wellbeing of our boarders, providing a safe and supportive environment for young people to access the opportunities of a Wesley education while being supported in their development as adolescents and young people. Tom holds a Master of Educational Studies from the University of Queensland which included a research project in engaging adolescent learners with reading. Tom completed his Postgraduate Certificate in Education and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Hull, and later taught in schools in East Yorkshire before moving to Australia in 2009. Tom is an avid rugby union fan and has coached school teams in both rugby and water polo.
Tom hails from the UK and is joined on campus by his wife Kate and their two children, who attend the College.
Student wellbeing is very much a focus for Alexandra Wood and is something which the position of Deputy Head of Boarding, Learning in Residence allows her to closely monitor and nurture. Alexandra has an understanding of the nature of learning and specific social and emotional needs of boarding school students, as she too was a boarder at Geelong Grammar School. Alexandra firmly believes boarding nurtures valuable life skills, builds confidence, resilience and independence. She has is an experienced pastoral care leader at the College and prides herself on the trusting relationships she has formed with parents, guardians and students. Alexandra’s previous leadership and pastoral roles within Wesley College include Rowing Program Administrator, Middle School House Activities Coordinator, Assistant Coach of the First Netball Team, Head of House, Head of Year 8 and more recently, Head of Year 9. Alexandra also teaches Physical and Health Education in the Middle and Senior School.
With her leadership experience at the College, and effective organisational and communication skills, Alexandra ensures the Learning in Residence program continues to provide opportunities for students to develop their whole self, encourage student leadership, to co-operate and, best of all, to make life-long friendships.
Prior to transitioning into the role of Deputy Head of Boarding, Learning in Residence Tyler was a Senior Residential Mentor and Programs Activities Coordinator at Learning in Residence. Tyler is currently completing his Master of Teaching (Secondary) and is passionate about fostering supportive environments for student engagement. Tyler provides students with valuable opportunities within the residential curriculum as he supports students to obtain additional skills and qualifications to complement their academic learning.