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Student magazine 'Purple Haze' elevates stories of women and girls

Cover of 'Purple Haze', art by Hunter, Year 12

In the latest edition of the ‘Purple Haze’, students from across Wesley College Senior School explore women’s rights and gender equality in their International Women’s Day edition.

For Amy, editor of the Purple Haze student magazine and Year 12 Publications Prefect, this International Women’s Day edition of the magazine is especially meaningful. ‘Expressing my identity and wanting my identity to feel valid in a society that ultimately likes to shame teenage girls, is what inspired me to choose the theme,’ she says. ‘I am the theme.’

Inspired by International Women’s Day and the collective calls to embrace equity, the magazine explores topics such as First Nations women, inclusion of trans women in International Women’s Day, women in the arts and the experiences of female students. Amy and her contributors drew upon their own experiences as women and allies as well as exploring women’s rights through the lens of current events such as the Iranian Women’s Movement and the ICC T20 Women’s World Cup.

‘This edition of the Purple Haze was a way for us to tell our stories and educate people about the challenges faced by women across different arenas in our society,’ Amy says. ‘It is important to have a dedicated edition for International Women’s Day as it shows that in our school, there will always be a place for people to discuss women’s rights and gender equality, in a place that is safe and non-judgemental.’

Frustrated by the serious and widespread issues of violence against women in Australia and a persistent gender pay gap, Amy wanted to ‘go big or go home’ with this IWD edition of Purple Haze. She hopes it will reach as many people as possible and help to continue the conversation and exploration about how to make the world a safer and more equitable place for women, a topic Amy is truly passionate about.

‘Ultimately, we can make our world a safer, healthier and happier place if we have a place to listen to each other and understand that gender-based discrimination is not an issue of the past. It is widespread and ongoing,’ shares Amy.

We must listen, share and take action.

Read Purple Haze here.