The world needs more scientists!
Wander past the science lab at the St Kilda Road Campus during lunchtime and you may just hear an explosion (or two!) ring out. It’s nothing to be alarmed about, just the students in Science Club having a bit of fun and learning along the way.
Science Club was started five years ago by science teacher, Dr Helen Faulkner, to encourage Years 7, 8 and 9 students to persist with science into their senior years of schooling, particularly girls.
‘We need to encourage more young people to maintain their early passion and curiosity about science and to pursue STEM careers in the future,’ said Dr Faulkner, who hopes more of her students will decide to pursue challenging science subjects in senior school.
‘The world needs more, and more varied scientists,’ said Dr Faulkner. ‘The COVID pandemic and climate change are two examples of how much we need our most capable people leading the research, and to back that up with high levels of scientific literacy in the general community.’
‘I was new to the school this year, so it was great when a friend invited me along to see what Science Club was all about. Now I’m a regular!’ said Violet, Year 7. ‘It doesn’t matter how much you know, everyone is welcome and the older students are happy to share their knowledge.’
‘I’ve always enjoyed science because it gives the mysteries of the world an explanation…like a long-awaited answer to a question,’ said Karina, Year 7. ‘Science Club is more about having fun with like-minded students, but educational too!’

A handful of Science Club regulars recently visited the Technology Lab at Junior School to share their love of science with our younger learners. They had fun working together, adding coloured food dye to milk then waiting to see what happened when detergent was mixed in.
‘Visiting the Junior School and doing experiments with the younger students was so much fun,’ said Karissa, Year 7. ‘I didn’t expect them to be so curious and excited!’
‘I really loved explaining the experiment to them and seeing their reaction… science is like magic to them!’ said Violet.
Karina agreed. ‘What I enjoyed the most about our recent Junior School visit was seeing how the younger students reacted to the magic of science. One day, I might consider a career in science but for now, I’m happy just enjoying its wonders.’