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Prep Form VIII - 70 years on!

Eddie Wells’s 1952 Prep Form VIII class together again after 70 Years!
On the last day of September this year, 12 out of the remaining 19 'boys' from Eddie Wells’s 1952 Prep Grade VIII class attended a special reunion marking 70 years. It is thought that this reunion possibly represents the longest currently running reunion from ‘The Best School of All.'
After a brief tour of the school by Wesley College Foundation Director, Jack Moshakis (OW1973), primarily to showcase recent additions and share future plans, the group gathered for an enjoyable luncheon in the Waugh Room. The group noted the layout of the ‘Prahran’ campus had certainly changed during the intervening years. Needless to say, a good time was had by all. For obvious reasons, it was recommended by the dwindling group, and agreed by the OWCA, that the next reunion should be held earlier than every five years. We shall see them all again very soon.