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Collegians Football Club

2022 will go down as a competitive year for most of our teams, with our Thirds winning the Premiership. This was an improvement on our previous season, where some teams really struggled, having had a bad run with injuries.
We had four out of six teams in Finals, including both Women’s teams, our Men’s Thirds and our Men’s Seniors.
The Senior Women lost the first SemiFinal and the Women’s Reserves lost their Grand Final by just 2 points.
The Senior Men won ten games in a row leading up to the Finals to finish the home and away season in second place. Losing the second semi-final to St Kevin’s and then the Preliminary Final to Old Brighton left a bitter taste, but nevertheless, we had a great season.
The Thirds only started the team in February but showed improvement each week and ultimately won the Grand Final by some 70 points! What a terrific result for all involved.
Rodney Nancarrow (OW1982) will be standing down as Co-President at this year’s AGM in December after six years in the position. The Club is looking for new committee members and needs to increase its sponsorship for season 2023. We would love to hear from likeminded OWs who want to get involved - or would like to get their business a higher profile. We have over 1,000 people on our database and all are active with the Club.
For further information, call Rodney Nancarrow (OW1982) on 0412 687 430.

2022 Best and Fairest winners
Men’s Seniors Kenny Ong (OW2011) by one vote from David Mirra
Men’s Reserves Luke Smith (OW2017)
Men’s Thirds Callum Regan (OW2011)
Men’s Under 19’s Tom Sargent (OW2020)
Women’s Seniors Jenna Colwell
Women’s Reserves Gabrielle Kurdyla

OWCA Bowls
The opening event for the season at West Brighton Club on 28 September saw us win back the trophy from West Brighton after losing it pre-COVID.
Scores for the game were:
- Team 1 - OW 17 defeated WB 16
- Team 2 - OW 16 defeated WB 13
It was a wonderful day of bowls and the hospitality from our hosts was fabulous as always. My thanks to Ian Wilson (OW1960) for coordinating the day for Wesley. We have a longer season this year, but our player numbers are declining and we badly need new blood to boost our list.
At the APS Tournament and throughout the competition season, we accept bowlers who are Wesley Collegians and their relatives. The OWCA will supply your top, the rest of the uniform is ownersupplied. Wesley caps or bucket hats can also be purchased at cost. If you would like to join us, please contact the OWCA office or me on 0403 023 288. All newcomers welcome.
Richard Sluggett (OW1972) Co-ordinator OWCA Bowls
2023 Match Schedule:
Wednesday 18 January 2023
OW and OCG v Old Scotch at MCC Swinburne
Wednesday 15 February 2023
OW and OM v MCC at MCC Swinburne
Sunday 26 March 2023
v APS Inter Schools at Glen Waverley Bowling Club
Host club: Old Carey Grammarians

A Chorus Lion
‘A Chorus Lion’ came to life in 2009 when a small group of parents discussed the idea of a community choir, and an expression of interest was placed in this magazine. From baby steps with half a dozen voices singing ‘a capella’ and first meeting in homes, ‘A Chorus Lion’ has grown into an established choir with a regular attendance of up to 25 singers comprising sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
We are grateful to our current musical director, Doug Heywood OAM, our accomplished pianist Carl Stevens, and Alexandra Cameron, Head of Music at Elsternwick Campus, who miraculously bring out the best in us! We are privileged to be able to rehearse in the amazing facilities of the St Kilda Road Music School every Wednesday evening during the school term and grateful for all the support from Wesley, including The Community College, St Kilda Road Music School, OWCA and the parent body.
2020 and 2021 was a challenge for all choirs; however, we managed to stay engaged as a group and met on-line via Zoom with Doug and Alex, who did a fantastic job as hosts. 2022 finally brought us together again as a group which was such a joy.
Performances over the 13 years have included musical soirées for family and friends, Wesley Parent events, Christmas Carols at the Langham Hotel, an Elsternwick Campus concert and performances at Aged Care residences. This year, a small group of us led the singing at the OWCA Founders' Day Lunch. In 2023, we are keen to learn a new suite of songs and to perform for a variety of audiences, including OWCA and other community events.
‘A Chorus Lion’ welcomes OWs, parents, staff, friends and friends of friends who have an interest in singing and performing together in harmony for the sheer joy of singing as a group. We sing a wide variety of songs and NO auditions are required - that’s your invitation to join us!
For enquiries, please email ‘A Chorus Lion’ Secretary Rosanne Osborn at choruslionwes@gmail.com
Cricket Club
After an exciting 2021/2022 season which ended with an unexpected Grand Final appearance, the boys in the baggy purples are back and ready for another summer of cricket!
The Club has continued to experience growth which has resulted in the addition of a second team which will compete in Division 4 of the MCC Club XI Competition, along with our established Division 2 team.
Both teams are excited to be back training in full at both the St Kilda Road and Glen Waverley campuses on Thursdays, followed by dinner at The College Lawn Hotel who are our major sponsor.
We are on the lookout for new players! You can play just a couple of games or every week, it’s up to you.
All you need to know is:
- Matches are played on Sundays, starting at 12.30pm
- We play on the best turf wickets in Melbourne (including the SKR Front Turf)
- You can play Saturday cricket and still play with us!
- Play as many or as few games as you like
- Training is not compulsory
If you’re interested, please contact Captain Rick Morris (OW2004) on 0438 081 886.
Adam Pyke (OW2013) leading the field at the start of the final event of the season

'Athlete of the Year 2022' Adam Pyke (OW2013) at the Associated Public Schools Old Collegians Amateur Athletic Association (APSOC)

OW Cross Country
The 2022 Cross Country season concluded in September, and it was great to be able to participate in all 12 events after two years of partially or fully cancelled seasons. This year also saw the return of the post-run afternoon teas and medal presentations that are such an important social part of our competition.
OW Cross Country Club competes against ten other APS Collegian clubs in the Associated Public Schools Old Collegians Amateur Athletic Association (APSOC). The season runs from April to September and includes both road and cross-country events ranging from 4km to 21km. For some events, there is the option to choose between longer and shorter distances. Several of the events have a team format, whereby the combined result of teams of four or six runners counts towards the club championship result, and two of the events are a relay format.
We had several highlights this year, including Dave Nicholson (OW1991) winning the handicap event at the 81st running of the OW hosted 10km at Albert Park, and Adam Pyke (OW2013) having an amazing season, taking out 'Athlete of the Year' for the overall competition. Adam needed to win the final event of the season to avoid a tie for the award and it came down to a sprint to the finish where he prevailed over his main competitor from Old Scotch by 0.12 seconds to take the win! We are always keen to welcome new runners of all abilities. Family members of collegians and current students are also more than welcome to run with the OW club. It’s also a great way to keep fit over winter in a fun and supportive environment.
If you are interested in getting involved or would like any further information, contact Adrian Pile (OW2000) at adrian.pile@bigpond.com or call 0404 891 608

Collegians X Hockey
After two years of playing half seasons or not at all, it was great to complete a full season of hockey this year. If you are keen for a run, we have teams in both summer and winter competitions.
For those who have only ever played winter hockey, summer hockey is fantastic fun and a great opportunity to stay fit and keep your skills up.
We welcome anyone who is interested in playing to come on down and we have various standards available. We're based at Monash Clayton and train on Wednesday nights, from February through to August, from 7pm - 8:30pm.
If you want a run or just want to see what we're about, call Scott Booth on 0418 883 21 or email secretary@collegiansx.com
Alan Mitchell Club

2022 marked the 30th anniversary of the first involvement of the Alan Mitchell Rowing Club in raising money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Club members participate in a row-a-thon held on the Murray and Darling rivers. Typically, the row-a-thon (the hardest row in Australia) is conducted with four legs, each approximately 20 kilometres long.
Proving age is no barrier to participation and fundraising, 88-year-old Ernst Wirtz, past parent from the Alan Mitchell Rowing Club, had the distinction this year of being the oldest rower to compete. He was also the recipient of the Lee Mann fundraising award for the highest individual fundraiser in 2021.
We are really proud of Ernst and extend a welcome to all Wesley alumni to get involved in fitness and fun by joining the Club.
For details, contact our club president, Ana McCloskey at ana.mccloskey@gmail.com
Tennis anyone?
We would love to hear from OWs interested in competing in a fun, casual, social tennis competition. Expressions of interest to owca@wesleycollege.edu.au