Living on campus is a special experience, and across their final years at school, our Learning in Residence (LiR) students become a very close-knit group. We’re very proud that Wesley has developed a residential program, enabling each and every one of them to flourish and feel connected.

In October, as the final exams approached, a sense of pride and connection was celebrated with the Boarders’ Dinner, held to farewell our twenty-three graduating boarders. The event was especially poignant as these young people have spent their formative years with their Wesley family at their ‘second home’; the powerful social bonds they have formed with their peers will likely last a lifetime.
A superb dinner was served for parents and students, who were joined by Principal Nick Evans, Head of Campus Sheriden Vella, and Head of Boarding Tom Giles. Some of the graduating students gave moving speeches about their experience living in residence. LiR Prefect Tilly and Vice Prefect Hamish both reflected thoughtfully on their time as boarders.
Hamish, from Wagga Wagga, is the second in his family to graduate from Wesley. In typical style, he gave some funny and touching advice to students new to boarding life.
Current Year 11 LiR students Jack and Zali reflected on the profound impact the graduating class had on the boarding community. Zoe from Year 10 gave a tear-jerker of a speech, very real and close to home. She’s the third in her family to make the move to LiR from Wagga Wagga - a testament to the extraordinary experience offered to our students.
It was a night to remember, with students, parents and staff mingling afterwards, sharing precious memories. We wish our graduating boarders of 2024 all the very best on their journey beyond the school gates.