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Making the unknown known

In an unprecedented year of uncertainties, new normals, social distances, lockdowns and pivots, making your unknown known has never been more important – as our graduating visual arts students understand

One way to make sense of the unknown is through the visual arts. In the words of artist Georgia O’Keeffe, ‘A real living (art)form is the result of the individual’s effort to create the living thing out of the adventure of his (or her) spirit into the unknown… (the) not understood.., to make the unknown known.’ That’s an understanding our graduating visual arts students have demonstrated in their artworks in many mediums.

VCE Media, VCE Visual Communication and IB DP Visual Arts students this year have ventured into the unknown to explore the uncertain, the not understood, and make the unknown known – and their artworks went on show in the annual Graduate Art Exhibition at the Coates Pavilion at the Visual Arts and Design Precinct in the RVIB building and the Cato Room at the St Kilda Road Campus. While ongoing public health measures have prevented a live exhibition opening and public gathering, you can still get a taste of the amazing creativity of Wesley’s graduating visual arts students at a virtual walk through of the exhibition.

As Amelia Judd, Head of Faculty, The Arts, at St Kilda Road, notes, like all Melburnians, students tackled the lockdown with resilience but also creativity. ‘The barriers created by the lockdown haven’t limited the students at all. Quite the opposite: through their art they’ve really explored the unknown, and in a variety of mediums including textiles, printmaking, mixed-media, photography, drawing, oil painting, sculpture, ceramics, laser cutting, installation, print-media and as well as film and digital artworks. Congratulations to all!’

Watch the St Kilda Road Campus exhibition video:

Tour the St Kilda Road Campus exhibition virtually